Exploration of my Writing Life

Roshan Koirala

Writing for life; write till you die.

Healthy American Education

Education is the basic need of today’s time. It is the prime source of knowledge used to empower citizens and societies. The problem that I am going to discuss here is critical and needs to be resolved quickly to make America great again. Higher education cost has grown rapidly since the past three decades as compared to the growth in net income of the people in America. This has caused a serious problem for young adults, at their most creative time period of their lives, to obtain a college degree. According to New York Times, this is the biggest problem of today’s generation. I suggest increasing the cost of food to raise the money for education. How is this ‘The Real Problem’? Accord...

Flying Freely

Ben Gates sits on the back of the classroom. He dresses casually, has messy hair, and carries his shades on. His teenage look is fueled by his frisky character. He appeared to be a fun guy in class. He engages in class with the teacher, and jokes often with friends. Ben looks like an active guy who keeps his body in good shape. After the class ends, I ask Ben for an interview time. He complies, “Cool, we’ll interview each other during next class." He leaves a nice-guy impression on me while we exchange contact information.I catch Ben in his dorm on a Sunday afternoon as he could not attend the next class due to fever and cold. We sit on a couch in the dorm’s lobby and he says, “I a...

How to shine in the online world ?

Gone are the days of going to music shop to buy DVDs, going to Universal studios to get a song recorded, keeping a printed photo album of a vacation, and young boys checking out girls in parks. Going online is just so quicker, easier and cheaper that all other physical options have become obsolete. Advertisement as a Facebook post is more effective than a physical billboard in Times Square. It's not OK to just have a Facebook profile full of 'how are you feeling' posts, nowadays. Chances are more that you will feel better if you talk to your mom rather that posting it online about how you feel. Social media is just like standing in front of hundreds, or thousand of people and speaki...

Brainstorming - The most important part of writing

Brainstorming Clear mind together with creativity leads to invention. Brainstorming is a process of clearing the head and being mindful about the present. Amateur writers do not realize the importance of this vital step in writing. They usually tend to start writing wherever they are with whatever they have in their mind without thinking about the main goal and objective of writing. It is very easy to fall in this amateur's trap as it is fast and does not require any thinking beforehand. What most amateur writer do not realize is the fact that by skipping brainstorming they are killing their writing. Brainstorming is a process of collecting and arranging ideas, facts and anecdot...

I chop my finger

It is a Sunday afternoon, the only day off for Sid, Adip and I. We are in the kitchen to prepare rice and chicken curry for lunch. Adip starts to clean dirty dishes from the day before. Sid, an epicure of chicken curry, takes the role of chef. I cut onions and other ingredients needed for curry, and defrost an 8-pound chicken quarter bag in a microwave. To make our routine chicken cutting job easier, Sid has brought a meat cleaver from his last trip to New Orleans. The cleaver is sharp, heavy and shiny. While in the kitchen, Sid often recalls being hesitant about bringing the cleaver home due to its size and sharpness. I begin cutting the chicken into small pieces. As I cut the meat, th...