Brainstorming - The most important part of writing


Clear mind together with creativity leads to invention. Brainstorming is a process of clearing the head and being mindful about the present. Amateur writers do not realize the importance of this vital step in writing. They usually tend to start writing wherever they are with whatever they have in their mind without thinking about the main goal and objective of writing. It is very easy to fall in this amateur's trap as it is fast and does not require any thinking beforehand. What most amateur writer do not realize is the fact that by skipping brainstorming they are killing their writing.

Brainstorming is a process of collecting and arranging ideas, facts and anecdotes about a topic. This is the very first step in writing or developing a story. In this process, the objective and goal of the writing is first identified. Once the goal is set, the writer needs to freely collect all the information about the topic that helps to fulfill the goal of the writing.

For example, to write about a newly discovered treatment method of cancer, the writer needs to research deep down and list all the information he needs to prove that the new treatment can actually be a life saver. For this, the writer may point out all the previous cancer treatment methods, their positive and negative effects, cost for treatment, and success rate. The same goes for the newly discovered method. After careful consideration and comparison, the writer needs to choose those points which helps to prove that the new method is actually better than the existing treatment methods. To do this, the writer may elaborate his picked point by providing research facts about success stories. After brainstorming process, the writer can use his writing style, design, and creativity to make his story compelling to the readers. Once this process this completed, the beginner writers will be amazed to find that they have already accomplished large part of the writing task. A thoughtful brainstorming process will end up as a beautiful piece of story whether it be on writing, designs, or storytelling.